What it does

Teachers can check if a website is blocked by GoGuardian Admin or by a Scene. For blocks caused by Scenes, teachers will be able to quickly update their Scene to correct the issue.

What it Does Not Do

Teachers will not be able to allow sites blocked by Admin, or bypass these blocks.

Where do I access this feature?

While in the Classrooms view of GoGuardian Teacher, teachers will find a new button which says Check if a website is blocked. 

Active Classrooms options:  Sort by: (A-Z)  Check if website is blocked. Click here to check websites.  Import Google Classroom, Add Classroom.

Clicking on this button will bring up the website checker.

How do I use it?


Check if website is blocked

Click on the Check if a website is blocked button on the Classrooms page, and you'll be presented with a pop-up box.

Here, you can enter a site to see if it is blocked by either Scene or GoGuardian Admin.

Check if a website is blocked for students. Enter the website you want to check and click Check Website. Show results for: options Classrooms and/or Scenes. Button optons Cancel or Done

For example, for this testing teacher account, entering www.quizlet.com will show the following:

Check if a website is blocked for students. Enter the website you want to check. www.quizlet.com Check website.  Show results for Classrooms(3) Scenes (3) Chart column headings: Name of Classroom or Scene  and Details.  Megaclass - Website blocked for all students in this classroom (admin policy) Sewing 101 Website blocked for all students in this classroom (admin policy), Algebra 2 Website Blocked for 1 student (admin policy), No Music: Website is blocked in this Scene (link: Update Your Scene), Reading Quiz: Website is blocked in this Scene (link: Update Your Scene), Test 1: Website is blocked in this Scene (link: Update your Scene) Options: Cancel, toggle Update all my Scenes (3), Done

This page contains several different pieces of information and choices. These include:

  • The name of the classroom or Scene in which the block is occurring

  • How many students are affected from within a classroom

  • The ability to update Scenes individually

  • The ability to update all Scenes at once

Classroom and Scenes Information

The left column shows the name of Classrooms and Scenes:

Name of Classroom or Scene  Icons differ for classes and scenes. Classroom icon is vertical rectangle with ribbon, Scene icon is a horizontal rectangle with sections.

Sites Blocked by GoGuardian Admin

For classrooms, it's possible that just a single student is blocked. This is likely due to the student being placed in the very restrictive Penalty Box within GoGuardian Admin. Most of the time if there's an Admin block, all of your students will be affected.

Chart column headings: Name of Classroom or Scene  and Details. Algebra 2 - Website blocked for 1 student (Admin Policy)  One student is likely in the Penalty Box.

If you click on the number of students blocked, it will show a list of these students:

Website blocked for 5 Students (link selected) Website is blocked for: Kevin, Elaine, Apple, Denise, Lenny

Sites Blocked by Scenes

It is also possible to update one or all of your Scenes automatically to allow the site.

To update just one Scene, simply click Update your Scene.

Chart column headings: Name of Classroom or Scene  and Details.  No Music - Website is blocked in this Scene (link: Update your Scene) Click once to update just this scene.

When successful, the box will then change to say Updated! You can undo at any time while this window is open.

No Music - Website blocked in this Scene (Updated! - link: Undo)

You may also update all of your Scenes at once to allow the site. Simply check off the box at the bottom which says Update all my Scenes (X) where X is the number of affected Scenes. All of them will then switch to the Updated! status. Click Done to confirm these changes.

Name of Classroom or Scene  and Details. No Music - Website blocked by this Scene (Updated! - link: Undo), Reading Quiz - Website is blocked in this Scene (Updated! - link: Undo), Test 1 - Website is blocked in this Scene (Updated! - link: Undo) Options: Cancel, toggle Update all my Scenes (3) When the box is selected the affected Scenes will show as Updated! , and  Done

URL is not Blocked

In the occasion that a site is not blocked at all, teachers will see this message:

Good news! This website should not be blocked in any Classroom or Scene.
