Create Classrooms
In GoGuardian Teacher, teachers can create classrooms , where they can enroll students, and run classroom sessions with these students enrolled in them.
Enroll Students Manually, Sync Students from Google Classroom, or Integrate with Clever or ClassLink
Enroll students manually by adding their school emails, using an enroll code, or bulk-adding them with CSV file upload.
For schools that use Google Classroom, teachers can import their classroom rosters from Google Classroom .
For schools that use Clever or ClassLink, teachers can have their classrooms integrated by their Super Users!
Add Classroom Owners, Teachers, or Helpers
Additional classrooms owners, teachers, or helpers can be added to a classroom to assist with classroom management and monitoring during classroom sessions.
Run Classroom Sessions to Monitor Student Activity
You can run classroom sessions to monitor student browsing activity! You can see what tabs students have open on their Chrome browser and view a preview of their active tab.
Set Automatically Scheduled Classroom Sessions
Set scheduled times for classroom sessions to run automatically.
Issue Commands In Sessions
During active sessions, teachers can issue commands to lock/unlock student screens, open/close tabs, exclude/include students, and capture screenshots of student browsing activity.
Teachers can also chat with students during active classroom sessions.
Filter Student Browsing Activity during Sessions with Scenes
Create Scenes in GoGuardian Teacher to set browsing restrictions for students, and apply them to classroom sessions.
View Data from Past Classroom Sessions
View data from past sessions, such as websites visited by students in a Timeline view, snapshots captured, and commands issued.
Generate Student Reports of Browsing Activity
Teachers can view student browsing activity during all past classroom session by generating Student Reports for individual students.