Create a New Classroom
Classrooms are a convenient way to organize your students and are intended to reflect your physical classrooms.
Note: The maximum number of students in a GoGuardian Teacher classroom is 115.
Import a Classroom from Google Classroom
If you already have classrooms set up with Google Classroom you can import your classrooms to GoGuardian seamlessly.
To begin creating a new classroom via Google Classroom:
Click on the Import Google Classroom button
Select the Google Classroom to import (Note: Repeat this process again if you have additional Google Classrooms to import)
Trouble Importing Google Classroom?
Google Classrooms can only be imported once.
If you receive a message that the classroom has already been imported, please check your archived classrooms.
If the classroom is not under the Archived Tab, please reach out to any possible co-teacher and ask them to add you to their classroom .
If you are unaware of any co-teacher that might have imported the classroom first, please contact us and provide us with the name of the classroom and 3 student e-mails that should be present on the student roster.
Update your roster at any time by clicking the Sync Students From Google button in the Students panel.
You may also need to Reconnect Google Account if things don't sync properly. This can be accomplished by navigating to panel at the top of the page with your name and navigating to My Account > Google Classroom, and then selecting Reconnect Google Account.